Sunday, September 25, 2011

Picture the people who did this having their own nation, army and allied with Iran

"But an examination of the father’s body revealed fractures to his skull. “It was clearly a terrorist attack, Asher’s gun had been stolen, there were rocks inside the vehicle and it was clear Asher was hit by a rock,” Palmer’s family said after police informed them of their conclusion that the incident was in fact the result of a terror attack."

I assume the leftists of the world will be angry at this father for making the Arabs resort to this. If all of Israel was given to the Arabs and the Israelis were condensed into one seaport (ghetto?) - ready to leave- the Muslims would show them no mercy and would attempt to kill them all to the last infant.
I do not see that happening, however because Israel is back in their land just as promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. The God of Abraham has placed "hooks into the jaws of nations" to bring Israel back to this point in history and I firmly believe He will safeguard them.
That does not stop me, however from feeling great anger at those who who would butcher families down to the smallest infant out of their hatred for Israel. And anger toward the ridiculous leftists who equate Israel with these murderers. TD

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

Hear, Hear, THE MAN!