Monday, October 24, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: Rage On—and on and on…

Victor Davis Hanson  "On a wider political level, there is a growing realization that today’s brand of liberalism is really a form of slow societal suicide. We see red states recovering from recession; blue states are still broke. Greece is a mess; so is the entire anti-democratic, statist, and redistributive EU. Keynesian economics is about as dead as global warming/climate change/climate chaos in the age of Climategate, Al Gore, Inc., and a planet cooling over the last decade.
"The old idea of open borders is also over. The notion is discredited that teaching new arrivals multiculturalism and ethnic chauvinism, providing them massive subsidies, and ignoring federal statutes was both more humane and more efficacious than the old melting pot of our youth. Solyndra was the epitaph of the lie of “millions of green jobs.” Obama will never utter that now bankrupt phrase again. “Green” means millions of dollars in printed federal money for each job produced, but even far more millions to crony capitalists who hid their malfeasance with hope and change sloganeering."

Lets hope Mr. Hanson is not being overly optimistic, but I do hope he is right. How many leftists have you heard from who seem even a bit embarrassed by this great liberal movement called the Obama-run government?
This regime has been a parody of all things "progressive". TD

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

Excellent article!

This is proof that contemporary American liberalism (socialism) is a RELIGION that defies facts, logic and reason to worship "Mother Earth" with pagan passion.

Socialists cannot be reasoned with - they are TRAITORS who must be removed from public life as dangerous parasites.