Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ann Coulter's defense of Romneycare (UPDATED, Feb 3); Krauthammer's counterpoint on Romney

Ann Coulter  "A leading conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, helped design Romneycare, and its health care analyst, Bob Moffit, flew to Boston for the bill signing."
...."The bill passed by 154-2 in the Massachusetts House and unanimously, 37-0, in the Massachusetts Senate -- including the vote of Sen. Scott Brown, who won Teddy Kennedy's seat in the U.S. Senate in January 2010 by pledging to be the "41st vote against Obamacare." "
...."What went wrong with Romneycare wasn't a problem in the bill, but a problem in Massachusetts: Democrats.
"First, the overwhelmingly Democratic legislature set the threshold for receiving a subsidy so that it included people making just below the median income in the United States, a policy known as "redistribution of income." For more on this policy, see "Marx, Karl." "

Santorum has boasted of his role in passing welfare reform in the 1990s. You know what the Democrats' 2009 stimulus bill dismantled? That's right: the welfare reform that passed in the 1990s.
"The problem isn't health insurance mandates. The problem isn't Romneycare. The problem isn't welfare reform. The problem is Democrats."

Updated Feb 3: Newt strikes back at Coulter:  "Fox News Latino’s Victor Garcia did a phone interview with Newt Gingrich. During which the Former Speaker was asked about the recent Ann Coulter and Tom Delay criticisms. He dismissed them as “the old order,” and specifically cited Coulter has having been “all over the map.” 

Romney Can't Explain Conservative Ideas (video) ""The real problem here is that it shows he doesn't have fluency with conservative ideas. Conservatives are not the one who engage in the war of the classes or division of American classes. Obama, the Democrats will win that kind of argument every day. The moral case for conservative economics is that our policy is going to help everybody, including the poor. Two examples, school choice, which will help those trapped in the inner cities and tyranny of the teachers unions will finally have an education, have the skills to get a job. And you lower the marginal rates and taxes so you encourage economic expansion and creation of jobs," Krauthammer said on Wednesday's "Special Report" panel."

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