Friday, February 3, 2012

Apparently Iran is not one of Obama's enemies, but Israel and the Republicans are

Israel, U.S. Divided Over Timing of Potential Military Strike Against Iran "In Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said today that his nation won’t abandon its nuclear efforts and warned that a strike against the nuclear program would damage U.S. interests in the Middle East “10 times over,” according to the Associated Press. He said, without providing details, that he would disclose a letter that he said President Barack Obama sent Iran’s leaders."

Israel: Nuclear Iran could deter military action  "Military planning division chief Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel says a nuclear-armed Tehran could constrain Israel from striking Iranian-backed Islamists groups in Lebanon and Gaza — Hezbollah and Hamas respectively."

West to Israel: Do not attack Iran  "Some nations also are warning Israel that it would lose international backing if it should act outside international law. European nations, especially, are wary of unilateral Israeli action. US officials are careful on that point, saying the US bond with Israel is unbreakable. As a practical matter, the United States would be bound to defend Israel in a full war with Iran."

Atlas Shrugs: WHY WOULD OBAMA BROADCAST ISRAELI ATTACK ON IRAN'S NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM IN IRAN?  "Why would the Obama administration betray our closest ally in The Middle East? Once again, Obama sides with our mortal enemies, a cornerstone of his foreign policy meticulously detailed in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. This is consistent with the same anti-America, anti-freedom, pro-jihad platform we have suffered the last three years."...

Related, kinda sorta: Iran Offended By Israeli Samsung Commercial
"They are considering a ban on all Samsung products after a commercial shows a Mossad agent touting his new tablet to some interested Arabs who eventually hit a button and the Mossad’s tablet is wired to blow up a nuclear power plant.
"Iran can be offended all they want, Israel is still going to blow up their nuclear plants. I hope sooner rather than later.
"Great commercial, by the way. I think I’ll buy a Samsung flat screen
It's in Hebrew, but I still enjoyed it.

Israel Hayom  Attack Iran – at all costs   "A pre-emptive attack against Iran would exact a non-lethal and short-term cost, but would boost Israel's long-term strategic image. It would also provide a tailwind for the opposition to the ayatollahs' regime. Will Israel embrace the legacy of Ben-Gurion and Begin, or that of their opponents?"

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