Saturday, August 11, 2012


Paul Ryan as seen by
Ryan as depicted by the
Human Events  "With the announcement that Human Events Conservative of the Year for 2011 Rep.Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will be Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president, the Obama campaign will certainly begin drumming up the false narrative that Medicare, as we know it, will cease to exist if Republicans are to take back the White House. As Budget Committee chairman, Paul Ryan lead the charge on the plan of revamping Medicare and placing it on a sustainable and sensible path."      

However the predictable left says: Paul Ryan Is Not a Vice President. Paul Ryan Is a Fake.
How predictable? Here is a quote from this Esquire article:
One day, some years from now, I'm going to figure out how Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny-starver from Wisconsin, managed to fool so many people for so long.

Nice family you have there, Congressman. Be a shame if something happened to your children's dad along about October, wouldn't it?

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