Friday, September 14, 2012

Netanyahu: We Can’t Rely On Obama Admin To Take Part In Strike Against Iran. We Americans are too cowardly to defend OURSELVES from attack!

Weasel Zippers   Obviously.
From Jerusalem:
"Earlier this week Netanyahu issued a rebuke of the U.S. cautious stance, perceived as an indirect swipe at the Obama administration. He said that "those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel."
Flashback: Obama Predicts Hostilities With The Islamic World Will Cease The “Day I’m Inaugurated”…   How's that working out for you, Mr. Obama?

Israel Hayom; Iran’s politically inconvenient nuclear program "An Israeli attack would likely draw the U.S. into the conflict, and on the side of Israel, with negative implications for Obama’s Muslim outreach program, not to mention the risk of casualties and widespread destruction."

Jennifer Rubin; Mitt Romney gave one of his most cogent comments regarding Egypt on ABC News:   "[Middle East scholar] Bernard Lewis has said many times that people around the world should view America as the best friend you can have — and the most dangerous enemy. But at the least, it is vital that the opposite impression not be conveyed: That America is harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend.”  
"It is up to the Romney-Ryan campaign to spell this out, and it now has a unique moment when everyone is finally paying attention to national security."

Intellectual Conservative;  The General is Right, Terrorists Only Stand Down in Front of Power and Knowing Action Will Follow
"[The General] said all these terrorists know is to fear power and force. The best was to control them, he offered, was to tell the country in no uncertain terms that if it killed four of our people, we would respond by killing 400 of theirs. This brought shock and dismay from mainstream media commentators across both the electronic and print news services. But, I agree with the general. I have seen it in action." Read more...
Democrats do not do that, however. Democrats instead prosecute those who would make our enemies pay a price for killing Americans and our allies.
Blackfive; This is what happens when leaders don't do their jobs. "And word 'round the campfire is that the OinC is too busy to attend the daily intelligence briefing (not attended since September 5th).  Anyone who votes to keep an administration in office like this one needs to be involuntarily committed to an institution."
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
Wright Winger  "Although Barack Hussein Obama once declared that the Islamic call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth," it seems likely that he's now found one even more pleasing: the sound of rioting anti-American mobs across the Middle East.
"What we're seeing is more than the result of four years of appeasement by this president's administration...we're seeing the consequences of four years of his actually encouraging radical Islam while backing away from America's allies."

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