Thursday, October 4, 2012

So, what does Obama do now?  "We know that despite being president of the Harvard Law Review, he never wrote a signed scholarly article for that journal, an unprecedented (to use his favorite word) dereliction of duty for one holding that office. We know that despite teaching at the University of Chicago Law School, he never published a scholarly article, or even participated in the intellectual life of the faculty.
"So there is good reason to suspect that Obama has never in his life had to buckle down and actually deliver an intellectual product."
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
From American Thinker:
Liberal heads exploding all over the net
Obama's Got The Blues
PJ Media;
Knockout: Mitt Romney Crushes Barack Obama in First Presidential Debate
"At the 30 minute mark, moderator Jim Lehrer abandoned his designated role and coached President Obama to explain his belief that in order to close the deficit, you have to cut spending and raise revenue.  This happened after Romney used Obama’s own 2010 vintage argument for maintaining current tax rates instead of letting Bush-era tax cuts expire. Lehrer offered Obama what amounted to a lifeline. A pattern soon developed: The president would pick out an unpopular figure and bash them to argue for more taxes. The first time, he used Donald Trump. The second, he bashed Exxon-Mobil."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
UK Mail; Lucianne, as usual has some great posts beginning with this one:
Was it a lack of a teleprompter, poor body language, or 'the smirk' now being mocked by the GOP in new video? Why Obama failed
"One culprit for Mr Obama's failure could have been his body language - the President looked at his lectern and scribbled notes rather than fixing his gaze on his opponent.
His sometimes surly demeanour has already been exploited by the Republican National Committee, which has released an online video entitled 'Smirk' featuring a montage of the President's 'visibly uncomfortable' expression alongside extracts from Mr Romney's performance."

And this one: Why was President Obama so bad?
"Below we take on a few of the likeliest reasons for Obama’s out-of-character performance — culled from conversations with Democratic strategists and our own observations."

Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Here's another list for you: Six reasons Mitt Romney won the first debate
"While Romney’s workman-like performance may have lacked one single big moment, there were a lot of reasons he came out ahead."

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