Saturday, November 3, 2012

Remember Benghazi. POWERFUL!… Navy SEALs Release Ad BLASTING Barack Obama
"A community of Navy SEALs released an ad today blasting Barack Obama.
" “There’s a pervasive feeling across our community that he’s going to use whatever to get elected and he doesn’t really care about the men on the front lines.”

"A community of Navy SEALs released an ad today blasting Barack Obama.
" “There’s a pervasive feeling across our community that he’s going to use whatever to get elected and he doesn’t really care about the men on the front lines.” "

As long as we're discussing how Obama and the SEALs are foxhole buddies, the above post also has this: OPSEC Seeks Donations To Run Anti-Obama Ad Against Seal Team Six Movie
"The email, which links back to the website for OPSEC, a Republican-leaning group of former special operations and C.I.A. officers that has been likened to the Swift Boat veterans that swamped John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign, is looking for donations of $25 or more to air its commercial during the debut of Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden on Nov. 4, just two days before the presidential election. OPSEC is not happy that major Obama supporter Harvey Weinstein's The Weinstein Company is behind the film, which, according to the New York Times, has been recut to bolster the President's role in the historic military operation.
"Seal Team Six director John Stockwell and other sources told the Times that the changes were not politically motivated but, rather, were meant to give the movie a more realistic feel. Those sources added, however, that Weinstein suggested some of the changes that were made to the film and that Meghan O'Hara, a producer who has worked with liberal firebrand Michael Moore on his left-leaning films Fahrenheit 9/11 and Sicko was also involved in gathering research."

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