Monday, November 19, 2012

Remember in the coming days that Obama said Israel had the right to defend herself

Bosch Fawstin
Obama Backs Israel's 'Right To Defend Itself'   "Speaking in Bangkok on November 18, U.S. President Barack Obama blamed Palestinian militants for the "precipitating event" of the Gaza crisis -- a series of rocket attacks on Israeli territory.
" "[T]here is no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders," he said. "So we are fully supportive of Israel's right to defend itself from missiles landing on people's homes and work places and potentially killing civilians." "
However he left himself wiggle room with these words:
"However, Obama also suggested it was "preferable" for the crisis to be resolved without "ramping up" Israeli military activity.
"Those who champion the cause of the Palestinians should recognize that if we see a further escalation of the situation in Gaza then the likelihood of us getting back on any kind of peace track that leads to a two-state solution is going to be pushed off way into the future," he said.
So Obama tells Israel, "we can and will throw you under the bus if it suits our needs".
And it just may if what Netanyahu says he will do, he does...  " “We will force Hamas and other terrorist organizations to pay a high price,” Netanyahu told a Cabinet session on Sunday. “The Israeli army is ready to significantly expand its operation.” "

Benjamin Netanyahu: Leader of the Free World  "Whether due to naiveté, foolishness or pure dishonesty, President Obama’s bungling of the Middle East crisis – let alone his unprecedented attacks on our constitutional freedoms stateside – has disqualified him to lead the free world."

But Obama will get some resistance from Congress if he does. Not that it will bother this weasel-in-chief. "Appearing on the U.S. television program Fox News Sunday, [Republican Senator Saxby] Chambliss voiced no opposition if Israel opted to use ground forces.
"“Israel has a right to protect itself. And if sending ground troops in is the only way they can clean out these nests of rockets being fired at them, you cannot blame them for doing it,” he added.
"Similarly, Republican Congressman Peter King of New York gave Israel the benefit of the doubt, saying, “I think Israel should do whatever it has to do to defend itself. I am not in a position, nor do I want to second-guess what Israel has to do.” "

CBS News
The clueless reelected president  "Hamas. Does. Not. Want. Peace. Hamas wants only the destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew living there. Read this. Then all this. The only peace Hamas wants is the peace of the grave for every Jewish Israeli."

Speaking of weasels, here come the calls for Israel's "restraint"  "Yes, restraint. After months of hundreds of missiles raining down on Israeli heads – murdering, injuring and destroying – Israel finally decided to do something serious. They killed a top Hamas terrorist, best known for orchestrating the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. Oh, it was then that the world decided to finally take notice of Israel’s “aggression”.
"Rather than cheering on the Israelis and complementing them on a job well done – we hear calls for Israeli restraint, even from the United States."

The Heritage Foundation ; The Escalating Conflict Between Hamas and Israel "Over the last four days, militants in Gaza have fired more than 840 rockets at Israel. Hamas rockets have reached the outskirts of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for the first time, thanks to the smuggling of Iranian rockets into Gaza. The increasing range and sophistication of Palestinian rockets has expanded the reach of terrorists, who now can threaten up to half of Israel’s population."

I'd say we should back Israel as we did America after Pearl Harbor, but he fact is that many American supporters of Hamas likely feel that America had it coming in 1941.

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