Saturday, January 12, 2013

Krauthammer; The meaning of Hagel

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Charles Krauthammer
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Barack Obama to the Russians
"So what’s going on? Message-sending. Obama won reelection. He no longer has to trim, to appear more moderate than his true instincts. He has the “flexibility” to be authentically Obama.
Hence the Hagel choice: Under the guise of centrist bipartisanship, it allows the president to leave the constrained first-term Obama behind and follow his natural Hagel-like foreign policy inclinations. On three pressing issues, in particular:" Read more...

 But at the end, Mr. Krauthammer interprets for us the import of what this last election will mean for the US role in the world. If that all makes you happy as far as foreign policy goes, consider also what it will mean for this nation economically. We have yet to see the effects of that, but they will come.

"The rest of the world can see coming the Pentagon downsizing — and the inevitable, commensurate decline of U.S. power. Pacific Rim countries will have to rethink reliance on the counterbalance of the U.S. Navy and consider acquiescence to Chinese regional hegemony. Arab countries will understand that the current rapid decline of post-Kissinger U.S. dominance in the region is not cyclical but intended to become permanent.
"....Hagel matters only because of what his nomination says about Obama.
".... Before Election Day, Obama could only whisper it to his friend Dmitry. Now, with Hagel, he’s told the world.
(Emphases added. TD)
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
Did We Vote for American Retreat?  "I don't remember voting in November on whether the United States should resign as global hegemon and step down from being the only superpower. Do you remember that being on the ballot?"
Well, Obama and Democrats did praise those in the streets defecating on the American flag, did they not? Well, didn't they?
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

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