Monday, March 4, 2013

Michael Barone on The Permanent Campaigner

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE  "Do we have a president or a perpetual candidate? It’s not an entirely unfair question.
"Even as Barack Obama was warning of the dreadful consequences of the budget sequester looming on March 1, he spent days away from Washington, apparently out of touch with Democratic as well as Republican congressional leaders.
"In the meantime, Obama fans were lobbing verbal grenades at none other than the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward.
"His offense: He’s continuing to make it clear, as he did in his book The Price of Politics, that it was Obama’s then–chief of staff and now–Treasury Secretary Jack Lew who first proposed the dreaded sequester.
"This inconvenient fact threatens to interfere with the ready-for-teleprompter narrative that the Republicans want to cut aid to preschoolers in order to save tax breaks for corporate jets.
"It appears that Obama prefers delivering such messages to crowds of adoring supporters over actually governing."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

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