Thursday, July 4, 2013

Bill Whittle on "Dependence Day"

PJTV  "Bill Whittle thinks that the Freedom of Speech is in peril, and so is the Freedom of Religion. Hear why on this Afterburner as Whittle reminds you of the importance of our most important civil liberties, and how each is threatened by the expanding welfare state."

A comment to this video:
The sad truth is Bill, that while I loved my father (who passed away last year), he and many in his generation that fought for freedom in WWII are the authors of the problem we face today.

After the war, he finished school, eventually obtaining a Masters in physics, and after achieving Lt. in the reserves post-war, went on to a long civil service career working as a civilian arms researcher. Sounds ok to that point.

However, my father was a Democrat. He has never till his dying day, seen or had a problem with the shenanigans perpetrated by the liberals in the country up to and including Hussein. Paradoxically, he was very religious having tight moral standards (didn't drink, smoke etc).

Now being raised in that house, I wound up supporting Democrats from 18 to roughly 30 when I'd been gone long enough to get dose of real world and see what was afoot, it was 2nd Amendment issues that really first caused me to examine my political leanings instead of accept the crap I was spoon fed.

My father listened sympathetically to the hysterical insane rants of Cindy Sheehan against Bush, ignored that his own party supported going into Iraq, that the WMDs were found in some quantity and convoys were seen going into Syria while we came into Iraq. Of course he's gone to see the end result with Assad using those same WMDs on his people now. But my father couldn't bat an eyelash with the government takeovers of industry, finance and medical services much like the Nazis he fought 60 some years ago.

The Greatest Generation sacrificed and fought a lot, but they failed afterward to preserve what they fought for. They got soft, and allowed the enemy to creep in and subvert them with promises of ass-wiping for life when they got old. As young men they fought tyranny; as old men they voted it into power.

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

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