Monday, August 5, 2013

Besides being petulantly juvenile, how do we size up this president?

Carl Cannon: The name of Obama's game is blame; "Make no mistake, when Obama criticizes "Washington," he doesn't mean himself, and he doesn't mean his fellow Democrats."
Leaving aside the curious claim that widespread IRS abuses and administration untruths about the tragedy in Benghazi are illegitimate areas of inquiry, blaming "Washington" is not just a reflexive response by a politician with declining job approval ratings. It's part of an orchestrated attempt by the president and his image makers to evade accountability for the results of his governance.

This nation elected a man it did not know or care about other than his being a celebrity. Our electorate left its child in the hands of a total stranger and rushed back in the house to watch TV. 
Terror Threat Got You Teed Off? Obama Leaves al-Qaeda Worries to the Staff  "Obama hits the golf course while leaving a major meeting on the major threat to Susan Rice."....
The Front Man  "Barack Obama did not invent managerial liberalism, nor has he contributed any new ideas to it. He is, in fact, a strangely incurious man. Unlike Ronald Reagan, to whom he likes to be compared, President Obama shows no signs of having expended any effort on big thinkers or big ideas. President Reagan’s guiding lights were theorists such as F. A. Hayek and Thomas Paine; Obama’s most important influences have been tacticians such as Abner Mikva, bush-league propagandists like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and his beloved community organizers."  Kevin D. Williamson  

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