Friday, January 10, 2014

Gates reveals Obama coldness regarding our soldiers

soldier obama photo:  BOvisitsUnknownSoldier.gif
American Thinker  ... "Clearly, Gates is referring to soldiers injured or killed in the line of duty.  One recalls that George Bush gave up golf - a sport he loved-during his presidency - because he felt it unseemly and insensitive for a commander-in-chief to swing golf clubs while Americans were in harm's way. Barack Obama, in contrast, has never stopped playing golf.

"There are many other examples of Obama's lack of knowledge or concern regarding our military."
"He also just doesn't care much for America or Americans. He is not only a notorious loner who "does not like people" (in the words of a former aide).  He has an empathy deficit, a character trait I wrote about over three years ago in "Obama's Empathy Deficit."

"He is the textbook example of a narcissist. And a very cold-hearted one at that. He only saves his warmth to flamethrow Republicans."

Obama’s Insincere War   "John Kerry famously asked during the Vietnam War: How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? Now the secretary of state should pose a version of his long-ago rhetorical question to his boss. Obama evidently has been asking men to die for what he considers a mistake for years now."

Obama Admits He Uses Our Troops for Photo Ops


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