Saturday, February 8, 2014

Don’t Throw Afghanistan to the Wolves

... "It is nonsensical to remove our troops from Afghanistan in the wake of a growing Taliban insurgency, which will inevitably worsen once we have pulled out. Should we follow these ill-advised policies only to have to bomb or invade again the next time a terrorist attack against the U.S. is launched from Afghanistan, à la the 9/11 attacks? These are questions and considerations that the Obama administration seems to be glossing over, opting instead to base its policy on short-term concerns that do not take into account the future and the big picture.
"The United States should feel honor-bound not to abandon the Afghan people, particularly Afghan women, to the likes of the Taliban — a backward, xenophobic lot bent on the subjugation of women and ethnic minorities and the support of terrorism and jihadism the world over."
"... During the Taliban’s rule from 1996 to 2001, many Afghan girls were not allowed to attend school, though the schools began reopening after the regime was toppled by the U.S.-led invasion."....
Note to Sally Kohn: Ask the Afghan women what they think of President Bush and what they think of President Obama. When Obama pulls America out of Afghanistan, then the world will see what a real war on women looks like.

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