Saturday, April 5, 2014

Islamic Circle of North America: Jihad is waging war “so that only the ‘evil sovereignty of beings other than Allah is wiped out’”

Islamic Circle of North America: Jihad is waging war “so that only the ‘evil sovereignty of beings other than Allah is wiped out’”
"Jihad is presented to the West as primarily an internal struggle. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) – another U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organization – recently waged a public relations campaign called “My Jihad” in which jihad was described as “struggle against barriers and odds in search of a better place.” Examples included “building friendships across the aisle,” and “always pursue new ideas and conquer new challenges.” However, ICNA’s guide teaches that jihad is the fight against forces that “oppose the Islamic Call” and the waging of war so that only the “evil sovereignty of beings other than Allah is wiped out.” (p. 117) …In addition, Muslims are who are in a “position” to implement sharia law “must do so, while those unable to do so must speak out against the rule of Kufr [infidel] and call for the implementation of Shari’ah. If even this becomes impossible, un-Islamic government must be sincerely hated and despised for the pleasure of God and the upholding of Tawheed.” (p.144)....
Part of the taqiyya of Islam is the "mutual respect" hoax is what the imams and other apologists for Islam claim is a "cross cutlural center" that is in reality a victory center which is the Ground Zero Mosque. Which is an affront to all that is good, true and right. This Ground Zero Mosque this a slap in the face to both the victims on Septerber 11, 2001 and America.   Via Pamela Geller
And they can do it one community at a time. Dearborn: Muslim parents angry over Easter egg hunt school flyer 
"But forcing non-Muslim public school children to go on trips to mosques, bowing and praying to allah — that’s OK." Full article
This father is obviously traumatized over these, just as I'm sure he was over the murders other Muslims commit around the world and the Christian churches destroyed by Muslims.
Not this one, but others by Pamela Gellar

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