Thursday, May 22, 2014

MSNBC Suspects Voter Fraud When Kids Make Rush ‘Author of the Year,’ Sharpton Wants to Check IDs

Independent Journal Review

  "Liberals across America are up in arms about Rush Limbaugh being awarded “Author of the Year” by the Children’s Book Council after the group held an online vote premised on it being restricted to kids.

"Interestingly, several leftists of MSNBC’s ilk attempted to get the book banned from the election process, knowing that the hot-selling children’s book was a candidate to win the title. Reverend Al and his panel of unremorseful left-wing zealots splashed as much haterade as possible, spewing as much denial and contempt as they could on Rush winning the award.

"It is clear that the MSNBC ‘s left-wing zealots were freaked out at the possiblity that some children had somehow slipped by them. In a fascinating moment of irony that nearly exploded TV sets across the land, the notion that ‘voter fraud’ might have been committed led to Sharpton wanting to see the children’s IDs!" ...

MSNBC has quite a bit to say about rush Limbaugh.  Apparently if they use the phrase "Rush Limbaugh" viewership goes way up, much like the word "bikini" helped ratings during sweeps weeks back in the day.

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