Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Life in the good ole USA

New Cure for Racial Violence in Minneapolis: Crack down on the victims.  "Police in Minneapolis have discovered a new way to fight the wave of black violence and mayhem that is now an every day fact of life in their city: Blame the white victims for drinking too much.

"Why not: Nothing else has worked.
"First, Minneapolis police tried ignoring the problem. But dozens of victims, videos, witnesses, police reports and 911 calls made that impossible.
"Then they tried denying it: A spokesman for Minneapolis police department told me that race has nothing to do with anything involving crime and anyone who thinks differently is a bad person.
"That lasted about as long as it took to go the Minneapolis Police Department web site and see all the special programs for “protected” minorities. 

Affirmative Consent as State Law in California   "The law stipulates that the person accused of sexual assault must prove that a clear affirmation of consent was given by the accuser."
Vanderbilt University: Refusal to Approve Constitutions of Student Groups that Require Leaders to Share Beliefs   ... " Despite FIRE’s September 2011 letter to Vanderbilt ... Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos persisted in the discriminatory treatment of belief-based student organizations, stating that membership must be open to everyone, even those who do not share the group’s beliefs and seek to undermine it." ...
But they'll keep trying; University of Minnesota Backs Away from Ideological Screening for Ed Students  ... "Those with the “wrong” views were to receive remedial re-education, be weeded out, or be denied admission altogether. In a letter to FIRE, however, the university’s top lawyer has now promised that the university will never “mandate any particular beliefs, or screen out people with ‘wrong beliefs’ from the University.' ”

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