Monday, November 3, 2014

Wasserman-Schultz, DNC hire army of lawyers to challenge election results
Wasserman-Schultz is already preparing to do battle with GOP winners on Election Day.
"The Democratic National Committee (DNC), led by its hard hitting and verbose chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, has hundreds of attorneys on retainer in order to fight the results of Tuesday's elections if things don't go their way, according a number of news stories on Sunday.

"Voter identification laws appear to be the primary point of contention, with Republicans supporting the law and the Democrats opposing them. The DNC continues to use its "get out the vote" tactics while making allegations that the GOP is trying to "disenfranchise" minority voters, some of whom were proven to have been bused in from other districts or even states.

" 'These verbal tactics are beginning to become shopworn and bring to mind the words attributed to the father of Communism, Karl Marx: 'Accuse other of what you do.'   If anything, it's the Republican National Committee officials who should hire a million lawyers and private detectives to launch investigations into alleged voting irregularities," said former police detective and corporate fraud investigator. " ...

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