Friday, January 2, 2015

How To Turn A Red State Blue: California Edition


NPR  "Democrats who hope to turn Texas from red to blue are looking to California for inspiration.
Golden State Democrats now hold every single statewide office and big majorities in both houses of the Legislature. In the state that gave us Ronald Reagan, Republican registration has fallen below 30 percent. And California hasn't voted for a Republican for president since 1988.

"Where did the Republicans go wrong?

" Here's a look at how a state can go from red to blue in five simple steps:" ......
"As tough as things are for Republicans in California right now, it could be a long time before anything similar happens in Texas, says Sonenshein at the Pat Brown Institute.

" 'There's a huge lag between demographic change and political change," he says. Turning a red state blue "could [take] 20 years or more."

"Texas Republicans have time, Sonenshein says, to figure out how to keep the Texas GOP from suffering the same disastrous fate as Republicans in California."


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