Thursday, January 22, 2015

VDH: Snipers, Correct and Incorrect

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Victor Davis Hanson  "Were a confused Michael Moore and others faulting American Sniper on the argument that Chris Kyle was a sniper per se, or that he was an American sniper?

"I don’t remember Michael Moore or any other Hollywood grandees objecting much to the 2001 war film Enemy at the Gates, which was supposedly loosely based on the controversial (and perhaps less than verifiable) career of the deadly sniper Vasily Zaitsev. That movie portrayed the expert Zaitsev as a hero in trying to cut down Wehrmacht officers and soldiers on behalf of the Soviet cause. It reminded audiences not just that Zaitsev’s sniping could save his fellow Russians, but that it was also a very dangerous business for the shooter: As the hunter, Zaitsev often very quickly became the hunted." . . 

Chris Kyle’s Righteous Indignation  ... "He was a hero because he exhibited uncommon virtue. Specifically, he recognized evil when he saw it and channeled his righteous indignation toward its annihilation. Whether American foreign policy has followed an ideal course or not, this man acted with valor in pursuit of a life-affirming cause." ...  
Walter Hudson in PJ Lifestyle.

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