Monday, August 31, 2015

Officers' Letter to Congress on Iran Deal Is Not a One-Day Story

"Out of respect to their experience, expertise, service, and commitment, we owe them a serious hearing.
"This is not a one-day PR story.  It is a profound and critical moment in our nation's history.  Every concerned citizen needs to read and share the letter with others.  This is urgent.  There is not a moment to be lost.
"Military officers use understated language in public, but I can be blunt.
"Here is my blunt summary of their letter:
American Thinker   "The most dangerous presidency in American history is now rushing to its climax.  This is the lethal moment that Bush and Cheney warned us about – the catastrophic moment when a fanatical Armageddon regime in Tehran will be guaranteed a path to nuclear weapons.  Some military experts are convinced they already have them.

"The Bush administration made many mistakes, but it was absolutely on target about the danger of terrorists armed with nukes.  For rational actors, nuclear weapons are a last-ditch defense, because in a nuclear exchange, everybody loses.  Irrational and suicide-preaching regimes are different, just as Jim Jones was different from your Junior League Club.

"Today, Obama actually wants to give the most destructive weapons in the world to Iran's genocidal regime.
He has simply switched sides." . . . 

 "Military officers save their bluntest language for private  conversations, and they should.

"But please be aware that in the eight points above, almost 200 retired flag officers of the United States have essentially accused American politicians and high officials of treason, as defined by the U.S. Constitution as "aiding and abetting" the enemies of the United States in time of war (US Constitution, Article III, Section 3).

"They came as close as possible without actually using the word." Read more

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