Sunday, December 6, 2015

President Obama Leaves Christ Out of Christmas

PJ Media
Linus tells Charlie Brown the True Meaning of Christmas
"This year, the ABC network television special “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (which first aired on CBS) turns 50, and ABC had a party to celebrate. When it was Obama’s turn to speak, he explained Christmas by saying -- and I quote -- “tiny trees just need a little love, and that on this holiday, we celebrate peace on earth and goodwill to all.”
"Good Grief! Even Christmas is about the environment? Is nothing sacred from politicking? Granted, conservatives sometimes go overboard when it comes to the “War on Christmas” -- with the non-scandal of Starbucks’ Christmas cups as an egregious example. What Donald Trump was thinking by giving it legitimacy, no one knows. But this statement by Obama -- this really is a travesty.
Obama’s Statement
"Here is Obama’s full statement, in case a patriotic American hoped that our president did not just remove Jesus Christ from the “true meaning of Christmas”:

. . . Oh really, Miss First Lady, Linus would beg to differ. Here he is, on the first Christmas Special, telling Charlie Brown what Christmas is all about:
“Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Lights please!”

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