" . . .but these feelings of empathy take a distant second place to my desire to keep my 12 and four year-old daughters safe."Dan Bongino
"No, it’s not okay in a civil society to allow biological males into the women’s bathroom.
"Even in the increasingly dystopian far-left vision for tomorrow, this is still a sick, yes SICK, proposal. The far-left has grossly overestimated their battlefield strength in their never-ending war on our culture, and their new front, the battle for bathroom privacy and safety, is going to be a major loser for them. Here’s why. The far-left thinks they are fighting a savvy public relations battle in the culture war. But the majority of Americans, not aligned with the increasingly deranged far-left, are fighting a totally different battle. They are fighting for the dignity, the privacy, and most importantly, the safety, of their daughters and their wives. And this is a battle they are unwilling to forfeit or lose, REGARDLESS of the legal penalties, or the division-politics labels the far-left will disingenuously throw at them." . . .
I sincerely do not wish emotional pain on anyone conflicted over which bathroom they should use, but these feelings of empathy take a distant second place to my desire to keep my 12 and four year-old daughters safe. For all of the far-left bluster about what these new bathroom rules are and aren’t, they cannot run, or hide, from the FACT that a man, with all of his male physiology intact, can claim on any given day that he identifies as a woman and follow my daughter into a bathroom.
Hat tip to Clash Daily:
But wait! There's more!
Networks Style Bathroom Bills ‘Legal Protection’ for Transgenders
Words mean everything.
Words mean everything.
"Transgender bathroom bills were a hot topic and a favorite of the media including NBC, ABC, and CBS this past year.
"The networks have made clear where they stand as state after state decides whether it will require transgenders to use the bathroom corresponding with the gender indicated on his or her birth certificate." . . .
Here’s Your Disturbing Social Commentary Meme Of The Day… "This is obviously brought on by the fights now going on in states like North Carolina, which is being threatened with economic terrorism by the likes of PayPal and a number of banks, who are purporting to pull investments of jobs and capital out of the state in retaliation for passing a law that, among other things, makes women’s bathrooms for women and men’s bathrooms for men.
"Somehow that’s controversial. Most of us are puzzled by why – your sex is determined by the plumbing you were born with, and while you might well “identify” as something else, that’s your problem."
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