Tuesday, September 12, 2017

9/11 – Remembering Firefighter Danny Suhr, killed by a falling body

Legal Insurrection
Member of Engine Co. 216, he left behind his wife and two-year-old daughter.
. . . "This year we remember all the people who fell on that day, but particularly Firefighter Daniel “Danny” Suhr, 37-years-old, the first documented NYFD member killed that day. Danny was killed as he rushed to the scene, and was hit by one of those falling bodies.
"The transcribed interview with Captain Paul Conlon describes what happened. The NY Postreported in August 2013:" . . .

. . . 'Among the many anniversary posts, I’ve written about the recording that Melissa Harrington Hughes left on her home answering machine for her husband, 9/11/01 and Memory:"

"And the sound of the PASS (Personal Alert Safety System) alarms worn by firemen, which continued chirping after the buildings collapsed, each one representing a life lost. I never have been able to erase that sound from my memory:"

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