Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Night at the Crying in Our Beer Salon

Clarice Feldman  . . . "What could I possibly provide more damaging than the admission that the party wants to erase or vastly diminish the power of white Americans from the political scene by allowing open borders to change the composition of the electorate and the American culture?"

Another piped up.  "I was aiming for a contract to write ads for the campaign in Virginia against the Democrat frontrunner for governor, Roger Dean Huffstetler, a carpetbagger from California.  And then that was blown away when he suddenly started speaking in a pretend Virginia accent in an ad called "Best I Can."  My client said, 'Forget it.  There's already a YouTube of him speaking in his real voice and his pretend one."
"Speaking of Virginia," another piped up, "there's Senator Mark Warner, who was so critical of Donald Trump, Jr. meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer  (who, it turns out, was connected to the odious Fusion GPS folks), ostensibly to get dirt on Hillary. 
"Now it now turns out he met with Russians to get dirt on Trump, taking care not to 'leave a paper trail' of their meet-up."
A third guy, deep in his cups, was actually sobbing.  "I had dozens of DREAMers lined up.  A beautiful campaign – how they were all just waiting to become brain surgeons as soon as they got their GEDs (high school equivalency certificates) when people started coming up with these videos of the very Democrats pushing for amnesty earlier decrying open borders."
"You think my clients' opponents haven't found these?" . . .

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