Saturday, February 24, 2018

Agencies dropped the ball with the Parkland school shooter

Transcript of Phone Call FBI Thought Was Fine to Ignore   
"The transcript of the phone call by a woman close to Florida killer Nikolas Cruz has been released. "This is the call made shortly before the crazed killer murdered 17 innocent people and wounded 17 others, five critically. It speaks for itself and leaves no doubt how serious the situation was." 'The FBI must be called to account for this." 'The caller was very clear. The FBI did not follow up and, after reading this, you might see their lack of action as especially egregious."   "THE TRANSCRIPT . . . 

 Disarmed school guard Aaron Feis: It's worse than we thought . . . "There was never a greater example of the need to stop infringing on the rights of good people to bear arms and protect themselves and the ones they care about.  When seconds count, it certainly may not matter when the police are even seconds away. "

Trump changing the game on school shootings . . . Republicans have failed us by allowing Democrats to turn every issue or tragedy into an argument on gun control or some other freedom-weakening, leftist-loved issue.  As long as weak-kneed Republicans allow progressives to define the issues, nothing will be accomplished." . . . 

The Parkland shooting and The Red Badge of Courage  . . . "A more recent creative work that deals with the same general topic is “The 15:17 to Paris“, the movie Clint Eastwood recently made about the heroes who stopped the armed terrorist on the French train. The film deals with the same issues of courage and reaction to danger, approached from another angle: what was it in the background of these three particular young men that made them run towards danger rather than away?" . . . Here’s a trailer:

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

"A Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy confirmed last evening on the Ingraham Angle that because of a feckless school board, the police cannot arrest juveniles who need to be arrested. Police don’t have discretionary powers when making arrests.
"Yesterday, we posted a summary of an investigation by a writer at The Last Refuge. The author has in the past probed the disciplinary procedures of the Broward County School District. Broward of course is the site of the recent mass murder of 17 innocent children and staff. He outlines a strong argument, with documentation, that a failed police-school system allowed serious crimes to go unreported and kept criminal youth in the schools and on the streets." . . .
For one thing, the school doesn’t want any arrests on the school grounds because they are worried about their statistics.
The school board is proud of the fact that they have reduced the numbers of arrests but they have done it, not by providing help for the most part, but by not arresting people who needed to be arrested.

 The primary problem was the policy conflicted with laws; and over time the policy began to create outcomes where illegal behavior by students was essentially unchecked by law enforcement.
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

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