Monday, March 12, 2018

California’s Reputation for Loony Left Behavior Only Gets Worse

Have we all considered how virtually every TV show, movie and worshipped celebrity comes out of this state?

John Fund at National Review
California, we have a problem,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a speech in Sacramento on Wednesday. “Here’s my message — how dare you. How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical, open-borders agenda.”

"In Oakland, the mayor warns illegal immigrants of an ICE raid, and a coffee shop refuses service to the police.
"Move over, San Francisco. Oakland, the city of 420,000 people just ten miles away on the other side of the Bay Bridge, has shoved you aside for the title of Loony Left Capital of the country.
"Hasta Muerte, an Oakland coffee shop whose name means “Toward Death” in Spanish, is refusing to serve police in uniform in order to show concern for the “physical and emotional safety of our customers and ourselves.” All over the country, coffee shops love to serve up coffee and doughnuts to cops knowing that customers appreciate the security their presence represents. But at Hasta Muerte Coffee, an employee-owned co-op, the message to the men and women in blue is: Take a hike.
For their part, the Oakland police responded to this provocation with extreme — bordering on craven — restraint. “I think their position is very clear that they don’t want the police in there, and I can respect that,” Sergeant Bryan Hubbard, who runs the city police’s training academies, told the San Francisco Chronicle. “If they do call the police for any need, we’re going to respond professionally and give them the same level of service as anyone else regardless of their position.”
. . . "If you don’t like the law, work to change it. But don’t prove your membership in the Loony Left by spitting on it and pretending that makes you virtuous."

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

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