Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How Trump is reshaping American foreign policy in the Middle East

"Managing declines" is what todays Democrats do; they lead our military, our schools, entertainment, and society into mediocrity.
Rick Moran  "An excellent piece by Walter Russell Meade in the Wall Street Journal this morning clarifies recent moves made by the Trump administration in the Middle East.
"Scuttling the Iran deal and moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem demonstrate a direct challenge to Iran (and Russia) in the region and allow the U.S. to confront our enemies with a renewed sense of purpose.
"President Obama chose to "manage the decline" of U.S. power in the region.  The Trump administration has changed that policy into one of direct confrontation with Iran and, consequently, strengthening our Arab and Israeli allies in the region.
"The Obama administration reasoning in agreeing to the Iran nuclear deal was that U.S. power was ebbing in the region, and rather than risk a long, ruinous war with Iran over its nuclear program, we should settle for the status quo:
The Iran deal, President Obama and his supporters believe, accomplished all that and more.  By taking the nuclear issue off the table, at least for the time being, the agreement averted the danger of a U.S.-Iranian military confrontation.  Moreover, it weakened hard-liners inside Iran by undermining their core argument that Iran faced an external threat requiring permanent social mobilization even as it strengthened moderates by tying the country ever more closely to the world economy.  If supported by the West, the Obama administration believed, moderates would gradually consign the Islamists to the political fringes.
. . .
So, fearful of a crisis on his watch and like the frightened schoolboy giving up his lunch money to the bully, Obama was content to appease evil regimes, leaving problems to be cleaned up by better presidents than he. Hey, it worked with the Hollywood crowd. TD

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