Friday, May 11, 2018

Incivility, Media, and the Left

Steve Feinstein  . . . "Can anyone seriously doubt that if some marginal, third-tier comedian like Kathy Griffin had held a picture of the severed head of Barack Obama, that that person would not immediately be shunned and held in utter, unsparing contempt by the national media? Yet only after the conservative grassroots backlash began against Griffin did the major liberal media follow suit, reluctantly, in the days following. CNN took the minimum obligatory action and removed Griffin from hosting an upcoming New Year’s program. Yet within the year, she was back on “The View,” proudly proclaiming to the delight of the show’s liberal hosts, “I rescind my apology! I take it back!” followed by a classless two-word expletive, the kind never, ever said in public by a high-profile conservative about a liberal president. But not only did she say it, everyone cheered*, and no corner criticized her for it." . . .

*"Game shows, talk shows, sitcoms..they either have "laugh, clap, Ahhh and booing, cheer" signs or actually pay someone to stand by the stage to coach the audience."

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