Monday, October 22, 2018

Will Hillary never go away?

Rich Terrell; the good Californian. From  the poem, "Antigonish"

Chance Hillary Will Run Again? 'It's Not Zero.'
. . . "Yet, others are literally telling her to go away. "Dear God, Hillary Clinton. Please, Just Go," wrote Liz Mair in The Daily Beast on Thursday. Clinton, Mair complained, keeps popping up on the political scene with her two cents "like a Halloween ghoul who keeps rising from the grave to terrorize the American public." In other words, she's doing Democrats zero favors." . . .
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Springsteen really, really loves Hillary; really, really, really hates Donald Trump
. . . "When asked whether he’ll go out on the campaign trail for Clinton, he said he wasn’t sure, but if he were approached, he “would take it into consideration and see where it goes.” He cautioned that performers, although they get the crowds going, have a “limited impact.' ” . . .

Political Cartoons by AF Branco

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