Tuesday, January 1, 2019

As For Me And My House

Noisy Room

. . . "New York city has legalized a “third gender” on birth certificates. https://bit.ly/2QUtlhM Not that long ago, over 40 states passed resolutions supporting God’s definition of marriage – between one man and one woman. According to the Public Religious Research Institute, a majority of Democrats, Republicans, blacks, whites, Latinos, Catholics and white mainline Protestant denominations support same sex marriage. https://nbcnews.to/2ri3mmD The majority of evangelical Millennials support redefining marriage.
"Years ago, LGBTQ activists claimed openly homosexual leaders admitted into the Boy Scouts had no intention to change the organization from its founding on Christian principles. As it turned out, first on the LGBTQ agenda was to remove “morally straight” for the Scout Oath. 
“ 'On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”
"We are living in a pretty sick time when morally straight is deemed hateful and offensive.
"Recently, “Boy” has been removed from the name of the organization, changed to “Scouts BSA” to appeal to girls. The Girl Scouts are in a huff. They are suing the Boy Scouts because they feel the Boy Scouts is now in competition with them for girls. https://read.bi/2RZarDJ The Girl Scouts has also been changed, infected with radical feminism – promoting transgender-ism, lesbianism and abortion. Girl Scouts of Western Washington returned a $100,000 donation, a fourth of their annual fund-raising goal, because the donor requested that their gift not be used to support transgender girls. https://bit.ly/2GrvMEO
"Leftists’ war on gender includes absurdly claiming that having separate organizations for boys and girls is hateful and discriminatory." . . .

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