Saturday, January 26, 2019

The dumbest voting bloc in America?

Simon de Hundehutte"Pro-life Christians of all stripes were appalled when earlier this week the New York state legislature made abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy.  In stark contrast to their sadness and consternation, however, the government of New York celebrated like never before: at the tip of Manhattan, the top of the Freedom Tower was lit up pink; and about 25 miles up the Hudson River, the brand new Tappan Zee Bridge (officially known as "Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge," that trophy Governor Andrew Cuomo built with taxpayer money to honor his former-governor father) was lit up in a most spectacular way, also in splashy, in-your-face pink.  The statement was clear: all women in the state -- nay, all women across America -- should be cheering and celebrating this monumental advancement for women the world over.

:But why did this so-called great achievement in human rights take so long?  Couldn't the state government have struck this blow for women much, much earlier?  The answer lies in the fact that, in the election this past fall, enough Republicans were voted out of office to make a solid majority of Democrats who could pass any legislation they dang well pleased.  And so they dang well did.". . . Read more.

*I would say "hundehutte" is German for "doghouse." Is this significant as a pen-name?

 Related post by Simon de Hundehutte:  Voting for the least of three evils
"Seems like every four years, Christians complain that they have to "vote for the lesser of two evils."  And many follow that wonky wisdom by inevitably posing the Big Question: "Whom would Jesus vote for?" When that Jesus-vote question was posited during polite conversation in the 2012 election cycle, I responded, "Oh, Jesus would definitely vote for Obama – if he wanted to punish America.  If He wanted to give America another chance, He'd vote for Romney." Since America is a "free" nation (and God is all about "free choice"), Jesus lets America decide its own fate. Now, in 2016, the cry has risen again that America has to choose between two evils, and Christians on both sides of the political fence are claiming that their candidate is Jesus's choice. However, this election cycle really is different.  There really are not just two, but now three "evils." America has been...(Read Full Post)" . . .

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