Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Democrats seek to financially destroy anyone connected to Donald Trump

House Democrats are inadvertently forming the Beria Caucus: "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."

Thomas Lifson . . . "As a result of this demand, the targets will be forced to hire pricey lawyers, and for those who are not wealthy, the burden can be financially disastrous.  This is an old D game elevated to the level of scorched-earth tactics.  Anyone contemplating working for Donald Trump (or any future swamp-drainer) is on notice that financial ruin is in prospect once Democrats control either house of Congress.

"If, as is widely predicted, the Mueller reports finds no evidence of Russia collusion, there is great peril for the Democrats.  Don't take it from me, though; even David Axelrod, the former Obama political guru, sees the danger." . . .
I've maintained since Obama was president that America had become a third-world country. TD

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 'supports' impeachment, says Trump's finances should be focus instead of Russia  Still the "greatest country on earth"?

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