Thursday, March 14, 2019

Learning how to speak 'Universitese'

Michael James  "I don’t know who “Felicity Huffman” is.  Some big-time television star who shares an ethical paint-by-numbers palette with Jussie Smollett, I suppose.  But today we all know her sleazy story. 

"The larger narrative doesn’t begin or end with her.

"Way down, in the sub-basement at every college, one might find books full of great thoughts concerning human virtue.  They provided a character map for advanced learners to follow as duty and obligation.

"These erudite considerations, collected over centuries of human existence, today provide only subsistence for the rats that dwell subterranean.

"The bigger rats, the ivory tower rats, wander through halls discussing trivialities.  They are big on intersectional or grievance studies. They expend great amounts of mental energy trying to figure out if a boy is really a boy or is he really a girl or is he or she something in between some of the time and something else at other times and what should we, the people, be forced to call it.

"They look up occasionally to lecture upon the morality of allowing unfettered immigration because mobs of domestic anti-vaxers can cause mass outbreaks of measles.  They pontificate on why a citizen’s vote should be nullified by a non-citizen because of some gambit they call “privilege” in which professors stack the deck against America while football coaches earn six million dollars a year. 

"The ivory tower rats insist that historically murderous socialism will work because they, from their ivory towers, will now be in charge of it.  They are better than the socialist butchers that came before them." . . .  (Emphasis mine, TD)

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