Saturday, April 20, 2019

Only Donald Trump has the strength to withstand vengeful Democrats and their subservient press

Brutal: Liberal Reporter Tells Colleagues To Get Off The Russian 'Collusion Crackpipe'  "Well, the day has come. The Mueller report has been released and guess what; Attorney General William Barr’s summary was accurate. There was no collusion. There was no conspiracy. On the obstruction charges, there wasn’t enough evidence to bring forward formal charges. Here is where Democrats will make their last stand. Obstruction junction is ahead. It’s the only thing the Left can keep going from this clown show. I’m all for it. The longer the liberal media looks like idiots, the better it is for us. And if the Russian collusion myth was bad, the obstruction nonsense will be a whole other level. And yes, former Young Turks reporter Michael Tracey was there to provide brutal analysis on the report. Tracey is a progressive. He does not hide that fact, but he’s also an original Trump-Russia collusion skeptic. Line-by-line Tracey guts every linchpin of this whole myth that was peddled for two years by the Democrat-media complex." . . .

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s ‘Bombshell’ Fake News Stories  "After two and a half years of countless mainstream media “scoops” and “bombshells” that turned out to be false or nonexistent, the American people finally have some concrete answers on Russiagate. When Special Counsel Robert Mueller released his 448-page report on Russian interference in the 2016 election on Thursday, some of the investigation’s conclusions debunked once and for all many misleading, and anonymously sourced, conspiracy theories.
"Here are some of the most prominent stories the press got wrong about the Russian collusion narrative." . . .

Jim Jordan Torches Dem Leaders After Discovering Their Secret Agreement to Target Trump  "The Mueller Report conclusion that there was no collusion and no obstruction has forced Democrats to go into full meltdown, they just can’t take the results.
"That was the ‘insurance policy’ they figured would take Trump down." . . .

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