Friday, May 17, 2019

Pompeo to John Kerry: You're Not Secretary of State Anymore. If You Want to Revert to Weakness on Iran, Try Winning an Election.


". . . [Guy] BENSON: I know that you can’t get into too much of the intelligence as you just said, but are there any additional details about the nature of the threat matrix that you’ve been seeing from Iran in the last few days? And can you comment at all on The New York Times report this morning that some of this may have been related to new images of sea-based missiles from Iran? 
POMPEO: OK, it’s important for everyone to understand that this is 40 years of aggression by the Islamic Republic of Iran, so to put it into just three days or five days or seven days takes out of context the threat and the desires of the Islamic Republic of Iran. BENSON: Right.
 POMPEO: So all of this – all of this is part and parcel of the challenge of a revolutionary regime that wants the 'Great Satan' and Israel to go away. So you have to take the data set along with – right – it’s always about capability and will, demonstrated will, ill will against the United States of America. So the things that you see, and I can’t comment on the New York Times story, other than to say that the things that you’ve seen us do to attempt to achieve deterrence against the Islamic Republic of Iran, from their malign activity, is a direct response to eight years of an administration that allow the terror regime to expand. Right? During the JCPOA, we had increased missile capabilities coming out of Iran. We had their capacity to deliver harm from Houthi rebels in Yemen -- all of these things Iran did happened because the previous administration appeased the Islamic Republic of Iran. So we are pushing back, and when you push back, tension does increase. Our mission set is very clear. We know what we’re asking the Iranian leadership to do, and we are very focused on achieving that, and we’re trying to do so in a way to make sure that we keep every American diplomat and every American soldier, sailor, airman and Marine safe as well. Later in our discussion, I asked Pompeo about one of his predecessors from the previous administration, John Kerry. President Trump has called for Kerry to potentially be prosecuted under the obscure and rarely-enforced Logan Act over his ongoing back-channels with the Iranian regime, reportedly urging Tehran to wait out the current administration. For this meddling. Senator Marco Rubio has also called for a formal investigation into Kerry's conduct. What does Pompeo make of this controversy? He made his sentiments quite clear: . . ."

Trump: John Kerry Is Sabotaging Talks With Iran, Should Be Prosecuted For Violating Logan Act  . . . "But John Kerry violated the Logan Act. He's talking to Iran and has been, has many meetings and many phone calls. And he's telling them what to do. That is a total violation of the Logan Act." . . .

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