Thursday, August 8, 2019

Firearm Advocate Turns Tables On CNN Town Hall: ‘Do You Believe A Woman Has A Right To Choose’ Method Of Self-Defense?

Daily Caller

. . . "Referencing the argument made by many abortion-rights advocates, Inacker continued, “My question is do you believe a woman has a right to choose whether or not to defend her own body? And in the manner she chooses? And the government should not interfere with that decision?”

"Former Philadelphia police commissioner Charles Ramsey responded first, saying, “That’s a little off the topic here. But I do believe in a woman’s right to choose. Into the area about ‘any means she chooses,’ I don’t know what you mean by that. There are laws if you’re talking about deadly force. For example: You carry a gun or whatever. There are certain circumstances under which you can resort to deadly force,” he added, noting that using deadly force when the law was not on her side could result in legal trouble down the road.

“ 'Certainly if you’re assaulted or whatever, you have a right to defend yourself. When you talk about deadly force that’s different,” he concluded.

"Cuomo jumped in then, saying that she had made an interesting argument. “You’re playing on what we see with reproductive rights. In each case people who are making the impassioned argument what’s the concern? The concern is the well being of the person who winds up being the recipient of the act. Right? Talking about reproductive rights, which obviously isn’t what we’re talking about but still important. It’s what about the fetus? Or the baby? When is it a person? You’re thinking about who is going to be impacted by the decision that’s made. That’s the same thing here. I have a right to own a gun. I do. I do own a gun. My right has restrictions on it. Right?' ” . . .

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