Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rashida Tlaib Denounces America, Declaration of Independence in Disgusting Tweet

The Federalist Papers  To celebrate the Fourth of July, Rep. Rashida Tlaib decided to denounce America and the Declaration of Independence on Twitter.
Tlaib retweeted this message:

"Our founding fathers were not living gods...they were fallible human beings." The Declaration of Independence "did not condemn slavery, protect the rights of women or include Native Americans."

"Do you know who else believed that? Roger Taney, the author of the infamous Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, and Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln’s challenger in the 1860 presidential election.
"Do you know who DIDN’T believe that the Declaration was “sexist, racist, and prejudiced”?"Abraham Lincoln. And Frederick Douglass.
"So why is Rashida Tlaib repeating the arguments of the racist Taney and Steve Douglas against the anti-slavery Lincoln and Fred Douglass?" . . .

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