Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Al-Baghdadi and liberals; consider the synchrony
"Saturday night "live" is what ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi wasn't following a daring special forces operation last Saturday night. Troops went in, cleared the compound - killing those who resisted - then closed in on al-Baghdadi himself.
"The ISIS leader scurried down a dead-end (literally) tunnel with three of his children, then blew all of them to bits with a suicide vest." . . .

Ian Macfarlane
Ben Garrison

There is more to the above cartoon than you may think. Think of how many California elected officials warn illegals about upcoming ICE raids and consider that they are not above giving ISIS warnings for reasons that I cannot comprehend. Californians are being educated in schools that post items such as this leftist propaganda pictured below:

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