Sunday, November 3, 2019

Shifty: appearing deceitful or evasive. "a shifty, fast-talking lawyer"
Schiff's Impeachment Train to Nowhere  "Like the expensive California fast train to nowhere, Schiff’s funhouse impeachment hearings are a useless waste of time and money, and subject him to well-deserved ridicule. They are certain not to prevent President Trump’s reelection in 2020 and may well cost the Democrats their majority in the House. With a pack of losing candidates and a series of “now we got him” flops ahead of them, this is a losing desperation ploy." . . .

Why will no Democrat pull the plug on Schiff?  "One would think that by now  that there would be one or two sentient Democrats who realize the terrible damage that Adam Schiff is doing to their party.  But, with the possible exception of the two Democrats who voted against Pelosi's stupid "impeachment resolution," Reps. Jeff Drew and Collin Peterson, they all seem to be captive to Nancy Pelosi's and Adam Schiff's pathological moonbattery.  Not one other of them has the courage to stand up for what is right and true; that Trump committed no impeachable crimes, not even close.  He's the most transparent, most investigated president in U.S. history.  The Democrats all know this!  They know Trump is not guilty of any offense, let alone one that is impeachable.  They surely know that Schiff is certifiably insane and yet they stand by and let him make fools of their party.  They stand by and let him conduct his anti-democratic Star Chamber that is running roughshod over the Constitution.  And they all know that what he is doing is wrong, very, very wrong.  If this were being done to one of theirs, they would be screaming from the rooftops of their luxurious D.C. abodes. " . . .

Who in their right mind would share lies from a liar two days after confirming the liar was a liar?  "Adam Schiff lied about when he met the supposed whistleblower who claimed he had dirt on President Trump.  This shocking claim which comes after Schiff was on the news claiming multiple times that he didn’t meet the whistleblower, was released by the New York Times on October 2nd, 2019 " . . .

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