Friday, January 24, 2020

Liawatha: No Wampum Back for You

Warren Can't Answer A Father's Tough Questions About Her Student Loan Cancellation  . . . "Warren probably couldn't think of a lie fast enough, so instead, she just chuckled as the father tore into her. 
" 'Of course we [get screwed]," the father continued. "My buddy had fun, bought a car, went on vacations. I saved my money," the father said. "He made more than I did. But I worked a double shift, worked extra -- my daughter worked since she was 10. So, you're laughing.' " . . .
The American Catholic  "If Fauxcahontas is the Democrat nominee, the Trump campaign should run the above exchange non-stop in campaign videos.  This hits home.  My son, for example, recently finished paying his sizable student loans off in a two and a half year time period.  (It took my bride and I after we graduated 18 years to pay off our student loans, back when the law mines were newly opened and struggling.)  He did it by taking almost every dime paid to him by the law mines in salary and sending it off to his student loan servicer.  This took considerable fiscal discipline on his part.  I am currently paying our daughter’s student loans, as librarians are not noted for having large salaries.  I am happy to do this for her.  As I told her, I gave consideration to having a Viking Funeral with my money burning me into the next life, but I decided that might be a tad ostentatious.
"There are endless people across this great land of freedom who have made considerable sacrifices to pay their student loans and/or the loans of their kids.  I doubt if they will like to have Chief 1/1024 stamp Chump on their foreheads."

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