Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Liberalism, Like the Wuhan Virus, Will Never Die

Ann Coulter  "The media are outraged that President Trump is talking about re-opening the country, following their previous position that he sure was taking his sweet time at opening up the country.
"Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's death forecasts from the Wuhan coronavirus have shrunk from 1.7 million Americans in mid-March; to 100,000 to 200,000 two weeks ago, provided there were massive suppression efforts; to -- most recently -- 60,000.
"Every week, it seems, we’re another two weeks away from the “apex.”
. . . 
"By contrast, today the media are absolutely ghoulish in their hope for hydroxychloroquine to fail. The drug is approved for malaria patients, so it’s “safe”; it’s simply not approved specifically to treat the Chinese virus.
"The reason for the media’s hostility to hydroxychloroquine is obvious: Trump expressed enthusiasm for the treatment, so liberals are required to take the opposite position.
"It’s just like the Democrats’ recent infatuation with open borders. Until Trump, nearly every Democrat was for -- or claimed to be for -- border security, deporting criminal aliens and ending the anchor baby scam.
"But as the Times’ Frank Bruni said, Democrats are “defining themselves as antonyms to Trump.” Why else, he wondered, would Democrats push policies like open borders, “which won’t go down well with many of the voters the party needs”?
"Perhaps we could use this liberal neurosis to our advantage. To re-open the country, we need Trump to come out against it."

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