Monday, May 18, 2020

TV Personality Explains Why WaPo’s Stacey Abrams Photo Fiasco Is Harmful for Both the Media and America

RedState  "My RedState colleague Nick Arama wrote Sunday about a ridiculous photo of failed 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams that appeared alongside an article published in Washington Post Magazine.
"The picture has to be seen to be believed:
"Pandemonium ensues as she walks to the far left of the stage, like a runway supermodel, stops on a dime, poses, tilts her head slightly and smiles. Camera flashes explode. She next pivots and walks slowly to the center of the stage, freezes there and repeats the pose."

. . . "The accompanying article was, of course, a puff piece – like many mainstream media articles written about Abrams have been. Freelance writer Jeryl Bier tweeted out one of the more noteworthy snippets: . . ."
It is good to be a Democrat:  

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