Monday, June 1, 2020

This is not the "greatest generation" More like vicious and pathetic.

It's time for Trump to come out and take command  "President Trump, who put in a stellar leadership performance with the coronavirus crisis — recognizing the danger, rendering aid with record speed, deregulating, leading on the cure, bringing in many players, and (unlike the blue-city and blue-state satraps) moving to close the operation as the curve flattened.  It was Trump's classic "hotel manager" crisis management at its best.

"But something's gone wrong with his strange silence and ineffectual tweets with this crisis.  I'm not the only one who's noticed — the Daily Wire has an impressive wrap-up of this worrisome development here.
"Its premise is quite twisted.  One racial incident in a solid blue city with all blue players, and suddenly Trump's the one being blamed.  It had to be unnerving for him and maybe easy to dismiss since it was all so meritless; it was blue-city awfulness at its worst.  The left hammered on.  The entire media establishment and Hollywood chi chi crowd stayed with this line and stepped up their encouragement of protests, painting him with the racism narrative.  He seems to be on the defensive.
"Now the protests have became a vehicle for criminals, using color of race, for some kind of national "devil's nights."  It's the Detroitification of America, a neglected, miserable place, except going for multiple nights, with global markets and all the world watching.
"This is not a good look for Trump." . . .
Rioters Hurt 50 Secret Service Agents. Lincoln Memorial Vandalized, Church Burned, American Flags Burned
. . . "As captured on video, an American flag was also stolen off the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church, which is near the White House, during the riot and was burned in the street." . . .

"Bernard B. Kerik "Is there anyone that truly believes that this was not an organized event? How much do you think it would cost for communications and travel and manpower for an event like this. Who’s money is behind it?' "

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