Saturday, July 11, 2020

BLM Agitator's Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers

What to make of Black Lives Matter? I personally have black friends whose fellowship I cherish and am uplifted by when in their company; they attach deep meaning to Black Lives Matter. 
But how do we regard the other BLM, the Dark Side?  The uplifting side I encounter daily and often on my errands, but the Dark Side I see sitting with the Democrats in Congress and on the news channels like CNN and MSNBC as they magnify their victimhood. TD

BLM Agitator's Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers   "A (Caucasian, by the way) woman in a Black Lives Matter hat posted a video in which she describes a simple method for breaking a car window, cutting the driver's seat belt, and "removing" the driver "if necessary."  It looks as though her idea will work in terms of (1) getting the driver beaten like Reginald Denny or (2) death or serious injury for the perpetrator along with potential felony burglary or murder charges.  While nothing in this article constitutes legal advice, we will see how this individual has advised Black Lives Matter rioters (not "protesters") on how to commit acts that could turn them into roadkill or get them sent to prison for life.  In addition, possession of the tool in question for forcible entry into (rather than escape from) a vehicle could be construed as possession of burglary tools, which can be charged as a felony in some jurisdictions and a misdemeanor in others." . . .

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