Monday, July 27, 2020

Say a Prayer for Joe Biden, but Don't Vote for Him

Rich Terrell
Say a Prayer for Joe Biden, but Don't Vote for Him   . . . "Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.  A common symptom is something called brain fog.  It just slows a person’s thinking and tends to come and go.  My neurologist prescribed a battery of tests to establish a baseline that he could use to monitor my cognitive function over the years.  Dementia can be a terrible symptom of multiple sclerosis later in the disease process.  Naturally, like so many of us do, I wanted to learn as much about dementia as I could.  I have studied the disease a great deal.  It is not difficult to recognize a progressive memory disease if you know just the basics.  Anyone who has had a loved one develop dementia will very often tell you that they had diagnosed their loved one long before the first doctor’s appointment.
"There is certainly a reason that Joe Biden will not answer any questions after the few speeches he has given.  He and his team are fully aware he might not be able to remember events surrounding the question, he might not be able to find the right words or the questions could cause him to get confused.  So what does he do?  He gets back to his basement as quickly as possible." . . .
 Joe Biden Left Scranton Long Ago  . . . "Not Joe, the football hero and conqueror of Cornpop. He suddenly developed asthma and made 4F after running out the student deferments.  But he obviously recovered so that he can challenge Trump and the occasional heckler he encounters to fisticuffs.
"So, sorry, Blue Collar Joe from Scranton, who has never had a real job in his life, never experienced what it was like for the rest of us in the valley.  He was long gone. 
"But the Scranton Joe story is more than Joe’s fake claims and cultural appropriation." . . .

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