Saturday, July 18, 2020

Who is ‘Titania McGrath’ and why do woke liberals hate *her* so much?

Doyle, whose book “Woke” will be released September in the United States, claimed to have created Titania as a way to troll feminist activists because of what he called their inability to take a joke.
The woke movement has created its own parody; too bad they are so destructive.

Legal Insurrection
"Tucker Carlson Interviews the Man Behind the Parody Twitter Celebrity"

"If you spend any time on Twitter, you have probably seen tweets by Titania McGrath, a young woman who is so ‘woke’ that she often comes across as a parody of progressives. It turns out that’s exactly what she is, and the person behind her is a man.
Titania is the brainchild of a comedian named Andrew Doyle." . . .
. . . 
“Part of the point of the character she is po-faced, very sort of privileged woman who still think she’s this oppressed, modern day feminist who believes in a nebulous thing called the patriarchy,” Doyle explained about his online persona.
“She never laughs and never has a sense of humor, one of the reasons I wanted to poke fun at the whole ‘woke’ movement is it can’t have a joke. Can’t handle a joke constantly looking to be offended by absolutely anything even when there is nothing to be offended about. Of course, the ‘woke police’ aren’t going to like this book. The fact that they don’t suggest I’m doing something right.”

Tatiana McGrath: The only way we can stop fascism is if the police are allowed to arrest people for what they say and think.

Mac45 leaves this cautionary comment: 
In order for parody to be effective, it has to be identifiable as a PARODY. In the Case of Titania, this is impossible, unless one already knows that the character is a parody. Unfortunately, it is impossible to parody today’s liberal/Progressives, because, no matter how outrageous the statement, it still sounds like it came from an actual liberal/Progressive. And that is really, really sad.

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