Tuesday, August 4, 2020

White House video of America’s Frontline Doctors gets full cancel culture treatment

Legal Insurrection

The doctors in the hydroxychlorquine-supporting video plan to fight the cancelling, hiring “Covington kid” Nick Sandmann’s lawyer Lin Wood.

"There have been some troubling developments related to the now heavily censored video of medical professionals touting the effects of hydroxychloroquine treatment on patients suffering from COVID-19. In fact, those involved in the making or promoting of the video are getting the full cancel-culture treatment.
"The fact that the video presented a strong case for physicians to consider using hydroxychloroquine as part of the course of treatment was effective can be ascertained by the aftermath of the conference. To begin with, under the false flag of “Fake News”, the social media giants took down the video. Prior to the shut-down, the video had 18 million views.

"The next phase was punishing the video’s promoters. For example, Michael Flynn’s lead attorney Sidney Powell was partially suspended for the crime of promoting the information presented in the video in her feed, as was President Donald Trump’s son." .  .  .

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