Friday, September 11, 2020

9/11: 19 Years Later

 Images of 9/11: A Visual Remembrance

Can we ever recover that patriotic unity we had in the aftermath of that horrible day? Or has 2020 set us on a path to utter disintegration?   . . . "The elections of 2016 brought America’s divisions to a head. While Hillary Clinton railed at flyover state “deplorables”—expressing more empathy for illegal aliens and Islamic terrorists than for hard-working, law-abiding, middle Americans who’d been economically decimated by globalism—Donald Trump consecrated himself to the service of those deplorables. Yes, from the beginning of his administration, he sought to be a president for all the people. But it was far too late. 

"Too many Americans had been conditioned to respond to America-first rhetoric with a reflexive, implacable contempt. From the moment Trump won, the Democratic Party treated his victory as illegitimate and—with the help of a mainstream media that, since 9/11, increasingly had become an instrument of left-wing propaganda—sought to bring him down by unlawful means. At totally unfounded impeachment hearings, House Democrats hit a new low for naked and mendacious partisanship." . . .

FLASHBACK: How the Lefty Media Used and Abused the Memory of 9/11

. . . "These are the profoundly unserious people that expect Americans to turn to them in times of strife, sorry and calamity? Not likely."For more examples from our FLASHBACK series, which we call the NewsBusters Time Machine, go here." . . .

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